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Everything posted by Suncity

  1. Hi Sir when i bought sinnoh pokemon they are directly addin into my team Infernape and scyther from sinnoh region is on my team and i cant remove him coz m region locked Please look into it n help me regards
  2. Hi Sir Infernape from sinnoh region is on my team and i cant remove him coz m region locked Please look into it n help me regards
  3. accepted payment(s): sold 2.6m
  4. hi sir i took lyotards karrablast which is region locked for me pls help and give it back to him thanks and regards
  5. chansey sold 1m thanks forgot SS
  6. accepted payment(s): cc = 350k ms=175k, 350k RR=750k Rc=8k c o 600k auction starts now min raise 100k ends in 2 days from now Instant 2m IGN Suncity
  7. goodra sold sorry forgot to take ss thanks
  8. chansey auction starts for 3 days from now
  9. yenicilik buddy cant seem to find you where are you? may any staff member help?
  10. Hi. When is it going to end?
  11. Goodra sold to yenicilik1 pls pm me whenever online bud
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