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Everything posted by Suncity

  1. co 350k Min bid: 100k Insta: 1m Duration: 2 days starts now Accepted Payments: pokedollars, cc (350k), reroll ticket (700k)
  2. hi sir please close this thread m makin a new one wasnt online for a day n completely forgot about it regards
  3. wtb level services for around 50 pokes IGN Suncity thanks and regards
  4. how much is it for all regions total?
  5. co 400k auction starts for 2 days min bid 100k accepted payment cc 350k reroll 700k candies 6.5k each insta 1.5m
  6. Hi guyz Gold Server IGN Suncity I am from india i would really like to join a guild with guild island pls dm me on discord or game Discord arunt#5582 regards
  7. hi trade done pls close
  8. c o 1m
  9. co 800k
  10. CO 700k min bid 100k instant 1.5m accepted payment cc = 350k candy = 7k rr = 750k auction for 2 days starting now nature rr = 350k
  11. man y are u tryin to scam us
  12. i wont pay 1.1m for this trash
  13. man i offered for 31 speed n attack
  14. CO 700k min bid 100k instant 2m accepted payment cc = 350k candy = 7k rr = 750k nature rr = 350k
  15. hi can close this thread now
  16. Hi please help me my gastly stuck in my party/team thanks n regards
  17. hi thanks for the help will keep in mind for the next time if happens thanks a lot regards
  18. hi sir Please help me regards
  19. hi sir Need your help transfering my 2 pokes scyther and infernape from myourdaddy to Suncity i transfereed them to that accont was because they were added to my team and i couldnt move them i raised a complaint also regarding that please help thanks and regards
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