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Everything posted by Suncity

  1. goodra sold sorry forgot to take ss thanks
  2. chansey auction starts for 3 days from now
  3. yenicilik buddy cant seem to find you where are you? may any staff member help?
  4. Hi. When is it going to end?
  5. Goodra sold to yenicilik1 pls pm me whenever online bud
  6. Hydreigon willf wins Pls pm whenever available
  7. bid starts for hydreigon at 1m 2 days starts now
  8. okay sir thanks for the clarification sorry first post ever
  9. accepted payment(s): cc = 350k ms=175k, 350k RR=750k Rc=8k 1.1m sold min raise 100k ends in 6 hours no insta IGN Suncity trade done
  10. accepted payment(s): cc = 350k ms=175k, 350k RR=750k Rc=8k Starting bid 500k min raise 100k ends in 2 days after 1st bid Instant 2.5mil IGN Suncity
  11. i got that money from real money i am trying sso hard i play almost all day
  12. i am still losing money when i die Please help me with some of it? BUMP
  13. a fellow mate told me it we don lose money if we surrender Bump
  14. please help me :(
  15. hi sir. i actually surrendered a few times in a gym battle . but i lost 500k could u pls check? 50k is still fine but 500k is too much :( i am not even feelin like playing now. i wouldnt have purchased using real money if i had known :(
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