I have been living among the British for 3 years now and I can say that the word Prick isn't an insult word. It was actually a "love" curse to say. I never feel being insulted by that word under any circumstances and it is 100% differ from the word [sausage].
Picture shows a small petition to see if prick is a swear word with nearly 70% choose No.
I sometimes use the word Prick to my friend too and I don't want to be banned like @666G0D999did before. My suggestion is unless it is obvious curse like "F*ck,", the word should be discuss with the player, on what context is he/she using and why he/she uses it, with obvious screenshot so he/she can explain for him/herself because base on the language and context, it could be something else (sometimes I don't even remember what I said in the past)