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  1. Brand New: Breading System Let's get started, i will divide it in topics. • How the system going to work? Basically as the same of breeding, you will put two pokes with different [exercise] (female and male) and they make an beautiful egg. But, to not break the economy or make easy make some T7-9, it will be limited or will take a little longer to the egg be generated according to the tiers, I divided in T1-4, T5-6, T7-8, T9-10 and exceptions. Example: Tier 1-4: 20 (40) Weakly Eggs Tier 5-6: 10 (20) Weakly Eggs Tier 7-8: 3 (6) Weakly Eggs Tier 9-10: 1 (2) Weakly Egss Exceptions: 0. It can't generate eggs, wich pokes is in here? All forms, pokes that is not catchable in normal routes (it count outbreak pokes), lendaries, fossils pokes and event pokes. It can be increased using Oval Egg, numbers with Oval Egg between (). This way I belive that we won't going to make a lot of new pokes, but it will break anyway the PRO PvP don't? Since we still can ineriting IV, Abilities, Forms, right? No. • Ineriting Stats It can be ineriting? Is something that I was questioning myself, maybe it can BUT with a lower % of chance of this happen, like the same chance of you catch an poke and it comes with H.A for example (without using the Black Medallion). Examples: About IVs: the odds are 1/20. About Ability: The same as using Black Medallion. About Forms: 0 chance, forms can't be ineriting, to preserve their rarity. "Oh I can't wait to it start so I can use Masuda Method and have a lot shinys (malefic laugh)" Btw Masuda Method will not work, sorry guys. • Final thoughts. Well I think is all, i just put here some idea, I belive is possible we add Breeding and Eggs System in game, just need adjust for not become much self independent game and mix all the prices and things in game. "Ah but I can hunt these pokes by myself more than making it breeding" The ideia isn't remove the importance of hunting, but add a new function to complement it. Can add some quest to indroduce the system, a huge one, with good rewards; Can add some daily or weakly quests to make it more attractive, like produce and delive some Eggs to the professor or to someone; Can add some exclusive shop for exchange with Breeding Coins; And alot more... I believe it all, I hope you guys liked it and leave your comment, if have some good ideas to complement or anything that this can be improved I would like to know.
  2. Hey oh beautiful people, I was looking for mounts this day and couldn't find them all, so I'm here to ask you guys: 1 - wich non-prestige mount is the rarest? 2- wich one you guys think more beautiful?
  3. DretiDemon #Silver I'm also posting the .pm file to you guys check what I done with better quality. event V2 by DretiDemon.pm Files updated 18/08. Old: event by DretiDemon.pm
  4. Sorry, I just heard "we don't care about your complaints" since even you got it done the wq is because you though it boring and massive, not well elaborated quest. The points is have 200 active people that made the sinnoh quest to get easy access to Bidoff, myself for example got it done 1 day before the event start, literally 1 day before; in the same idea it wasn't thinking to new guys get it completed since they still need a lot to do, this wq was for veterans only. Second point, the server was unstable and you guys made a few shutdown for fix some bugs, like mailbox, this took time for some and their pacience too. And the last one, yes it was massive alot Bidoff to catch, "but he is common" imagine some people buying 40k in pokeballs, for sure more than that cause isn't always 1 pokeball to caught, counting the highest amount he needs and the time he will waste, others wq I know people that done in 30 minutes maybe less, like I said not well elaborated wq cause it was used to say sorry for the first one and you guys took a shoot on your own foot by doing this, imagine one thing the people was pissed for the first one, for the server crashes, cause we just wanted to play and we couldn't, that's not the compensation we wanted.
  5. This quest was really troll, around 200-230 bidoff was needed to do, around 2-3 hours to catch and donate all this only to 0.5% multiple for 6 and you will get the numbers to 3%. Don't counting the amount of PokeBall wasted to do it, for nothing. That's not an good World Quest, maybe should be an good Bidoff event if had created some map to celebrate and do a few small quests for 2 or 3 days.
  6. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? DretiDemon 2. Number of hours played? 18 hours, 36 min. 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Excadrill and Machamp 4. What do you enjoy doing the most in PRO? (Hunting, PvP, trading, etc) Since I started now is just completing the history, but basically hunt and quests if have. 5. How old are you? (Optional) 28 Discord ID: DretiDemon#7792
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