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Everything posted by Jinkslit

  1. pm about vday mag
  2. What's your IGN? JinksLIT Discord IGN : JinksLIT#6809 ● How old are you? 26 ● Where are you from? America ● What's your total playtime? 8690hr ● What do you enjoy doing in the game? Hunting and Playing PvP ● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? I can help with just about anything besides Daycare services Which Bidoof Form do you like the most? Suidoof
  3. ok i will transfer once the pvp season ends and restarts
  4. What server are you on?
  5. s.o 1m Min bid 200k 72h after starting bid
  6. What's your IGN? JinksLIT Discord IGN : JinksLIT#6809 ● How old are you? 26 ● Where are you from? America ● What's your total playtime? 8277hr ● What do you enjoy doing in the game? Hunting and Playing PvP ● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? I can help with just about anything besides Daycare services Which Bidoof Form do you like the most? Suidoof
  7. accepted payment Pokedollars cc = 450k rr = 525k 48hours after first bid s.o. 1m min bid 100k insta 10m s.o. 1m min bid 100k insta 10m s.o. 1m min bid 100k insta 10m s.o. 1m min bid 100k insta 10m s.o. 600k min bid 100k insta 10m
  8. accepted payment Pokedollars cc = 450k rr = 525k 48hours after first bid s.o. 2.5m min bid 100k insta 10m
  9. looking for Pelipper to be Drizzle bold Looking for kingdra to be Swift Swim Modest if max speed will pay alot Ursaring to be Guts ADA or Guts Jolly IVs cant be trash and they can be in any evo
  10. Bump 8-9 hours left
  11. accepted payment Pokedollars cc = 400k rr = 500k 48hours after first bid on all pokes s.o. 1m min bid 100k insta 10m s.o. 1m min bid 100k insta 10m s.o. 1m min bid 100k insta 10m
  12. 250k braviary
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