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Everything posted by Marley47

  1. armaldo 1m50k
  2. armaldo 950k
  3. 1m650k for clawizer
  4. hippo and houndoom 900k
  5. 1m550k for clawizer
  6. 750k for armaldo
  7. hippo and houndoom 800k
  8. I need service for a-Moongus, Mr Mine, Whirlpool, Friery Dance minigame, pm me in discord DuyMarley#1591
  9. 600k
  10. 350k honedge
  11. Start honedge
  12. Thanks for ur reply
  13. Can GM help me de-evolution pokemon, i clicked wrong.
  14. Is there any way to return to the pokemon's pre-evol form. Can GM help me convert my pokemon to its pre-evol form :<
  15. Thank you
  16. My friend no longer plays the game and he wants to give away all of his pokemon and items to me. And can I get them because I don't want to be misunderstood as RMT-er. And if you want I can provide in-game of my friend as a proof of purity.
  17. Althought i have 2 empty slot in team and lv up him but he cant evol to shedninja. I have pokeball in bag too
  18. Is hoenn excavation still operating?
  19. Is this event still happening to earn mega gengar
  20. Ok, It's restore. Thanks a lot.
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