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Everything posted by Siidon

  2. 1.5m
  3. 400k
  4. 320k
  5. WTB Manectric Lightning Rod Ability and hp ice /timid nature WTB Tyranitar Sand Stream Ability / adamant nature
  6. idk if it counts since no one bid there was no reason to start the auction.. think about it and lower the price... its very overpriced
  7. start 800k?
  8. guess i won the auction
  9. What is your IGN? Harutaa How old are you? 18 Discord ID: Harutaa#9807 What is your highest rating achieved in the last 3 seasons? Always around 150 (not that experienced in pvp but will be in future!
  10. start
  11. @Pepemelenas congrats on winning the mudkip!!! are you going to transfer or should i?
  12. quick reminder, last 15 minutest started
  13. AUCTION!!! Duration: 48h after first bid. starting offer 300k min bid 69k insta 2m payments pokedollar only discord: Harutaa#9807 C.O. 1.2 M BY PEPEMELENAS ENDS JANUARY 23rd 08:06 P.M. GMT +1
  14. look at how much badges you have and follow this guide https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/41693-complete-kanto-walkthrough/
  15. Since Ferrothorns pre evolution Ferroseed only has the ability Iron Barbs you cant see if its gonna be hidden ability.
  16. as we both forgot to post a screenshot from the trade i confirm that i got the swablu and the trade was successful.
  17. Hello Guys I recieved the Xmas Metagross mount on silver server but i'm on gold server now. Technically everything is correct since the rewards were given out with the pvp rewards but i changed to gold a while ago and would appreciate it when someone could transfer the mount to my current gold account. i sadly cant do anything with it otherwise. I would really appreciate it when someone could do that for me my IGN is Harutaa and currently im on Gold Server! Thanks for your help and i'm happy to enjoy my Xmas Metagross mount soon!! Regards, Harutaa
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