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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. .
  2. You won. Ping me here or discord me at blueblaz3
  3. This is not cross server. You gotta transfer.
  4. C.O. 550k by Eddypoo Min Bid 50k Ends in 48 hours from start End Point - 9:21pm 15/3/24 IST Accept Pokedollars only
  5. You won. GG! Where do you want to meet?
  6. Auction gets extended for 15mins from this bid
  7. Godly For Troom C.O. 4.1m by Decapitariz Min Bid 50k Ends in 48hours from start End Time - 1:02am 13/3/24 IST Accepted payments - Pokedollars only
  8. +1. Anything as a tribute to Akira Toriyama.
  9. End Point - 1:04am 11/3/24 IST GMT +5.30
  10. C.O. 1.5m by Ultramike Min Bid 100k Ends in 48 hours from start End Point - 1:04am 11/3/24 IST GMT +5.30 Accept Pokedollars and CC(400k)
  11. 3m I transfer if I win
  12. 3m I transfer if I win
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