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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. Started End Time - 12:33am 2/2/24 IST GMT +5.30
  2. C.O. 250k by Defensive Min Bid 50k Insta 1m Ends in 48hours from start point End Time - 12:33am 2/2/24 IST GMT +5.30 Accepts CC(400k),IV Reroll(500k) and Pokedollars
  3. I have not received anything yet. When will you be online?
  4. @Idreetzz when will you be online? Discord me at blueblaz3
  5. Waiting beside you in verm in silver
  6. HP Ice, updated with picture
  7. Started. End Point - 12:03am 22/1/24 IST GMT +5.30
  8. C.O. 500k by Suncity Min Bid 100k No insta Ends in 30hours from start End Point - 12:03am 22/01/24 IST GMT +5.30 Accepted payments are CC (400k) and Pokedollars
  9. Hello peeps, Is it possible if I am doing an auction in silver and move to gold keeping the auctioned pokemon in silver with a friend for the winner to collect it later? Will it be punishable offence if I am not there in that server where the auction is taking place?
  10. Started by @Omenrl End Point - 1:13pm 22/1/24 IST GMT +5.30
  11. C.O. 500k by Idreetzz Min Bid 100k No Insta Ends in 48 hours from start point End Point - 1:13pm 22/1/24 IST GMT +5.30 Accepts CC (400k) and Pokedollars
  12. C.O. 2.5m by Lely2043
  13. Started by Welehdeleh. C.O. 2.1m Ends - 1:55am 22/1/24 IST GMT +5:30
  14. C.O. 2.5m by Lely2043 Min Bid 100k Insta 4m Ends in 48hrs from start End Time - 1:55am 22/1/24 IST GMT +5.30 Accept CC(400k), IV RR 500k, and Pokedollars.
  15. Whosoever wins it, I hope you let me buy it in the future. Good luck everyone!
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