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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. @Paprikaflow you won mate. Let me know when we can trade.
  2. The best artist in the market right now. Keep up the great work buddy. Good Luck kid!
  3. C.O. 1.3m by Paprikaflow Min Raise 100k Insta 2m Accept CC (370k) and Pokedollars. Ends in 48hrs from start. End time- 9:55pm 29/6/23 IST GMT +5.30
  4. C.O. 400k by Hillaryselfish Min Bid 50k No Insta Accept Pokedollars and CC (370k). Ends in 36hrs from start. End point- 12:40am 26/6/23 IST GMT +5.30
  5. I giveaway those clothes to new players. At least make them tradable because Logan Mask just sits in my bag. If I can at least give to a newbie, he/she will be happy.
  6. Loved it. More incoming. A pleasureful experience.
  7. GG, you won. Let me know when we can meet.
  8. S.O.- 2m C.O.- 2m 209k by @Acederkiller Min bid 100k Insta 4m Ends in 60hrs from start point. End point 1:48am 19/6/23 IST GMT +5.30 Accept CC(380k), IV Rerolls (530k), and Pokedollars.
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