I am selling this big fat mushroom
C.O. 1.3m by Donator
Min Raise 100k
Ends in 48hrs from start
End time- 9:28am 10/7/23 IST GMT +5.30
Only Pokedollars accepted for Mushroom
Hello Everyone
S.O. 400k
C.O. 400K by Rudedingo22
Min raise 50k
No Insta
Accept Pokedollars and CC (360kk).
Ends in 24hrs.
End Point- 2:18am 3/7/23 IST GMT+5.30
S.O. 50k
C.O. 700k by Sprmaster1234
Min raise 50k
No Insta
Ends in 24hrs from start point.
End Time- 4:59pm 2/7/23 IST GMT +5.30
Accept CC (370k) and Pokedollars.