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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. I have traded the pokemon back from the previous buyer and if you win I can trade to you
  2. welp,yea,it is still on, I traded before end time. @Pokerface1984 sorry
  3. C.O. 2m by Kboww Min Bid 100k Insta 4m Ends in 48hrs from start End time- 1:56am 11/8/23 IST GMT +5.30 Accept Pokedollars only.
  4. C.O. 1.7m auction gets extended for 15mins from this post
  5. but bids cant be edited. I have to consider your edited bid as c.o. otherwise I will be breaking rules.
  6. Yeah,it is so bad compared to the other two. It can be fixed but no response,unfortunately,leading to waste of our money.
  7. Umm, did you bid? Sorry to say, but I am helpless in this case. If you have bid, I have to know what is the amount so that I can post in-game accordingly. If I post wrong info, the auction will get damaged. So kindly cooperate bro. @Kitretsu05
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