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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. +1 Points to be noted - It should be turned off at first as default. User have to turn it on. Let's keep it to uncommon and rare only for all types i.e., event,pink and shiny.
  2. HMU if you have one.
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  3. HMU if you have one.
  4. Hmu if you have one.
  5. Thanks. And check pm once. I shared his Discord. Contact him,it will be faster.
  6. You won. Please come to Vermi in Silver and collect it from my friend Cyanirl.
  7. C.o. 3.1m by Leeluckya Min bid 100k Insta 8m Ends after 48hrs from 1st bid- 3:06am 9-4-23 IST GMT +5.30 Accept CC(390k) and Pokedollars.
  8. @Benjiemager
  9. @Serkaninc you won mate. GG!
  10. C.o. 1.45m Auction extends 15mins from this point
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