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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. S.o. 500k C.o. 1.45m by Serkanic Min bid 50k Insta 3m Ends 48hrs from start point. 11:03pm 2/4/23 IST GMT +5.30 Accept pokedollars,CC (380k), IV Reroll (550k).
  2. C.o. 100k Auction gets extended 15mins
  3. C.o. 70k and auction extended 15mins from this point
  4. C.o. 60k auction extended 15mins from this point
  5. S.o. 10k C.o. 30k Ends in 1hr from start bid. End point- 00:05 31/03/23 IST GMT +5.30 Accept Cash and CC(400k).
  6. 500k. I will transfer if I win.
  7. 69k
  8. Ends 12:34am 27/03/23 IST GMT +5.30
  9. S.o. 50k C.o. 1.2m by Karus007 Min bid 50k Auction ends in 50hrs from start point. Ends- 12:34am 27/03/23 IST GMT +5.30 Accept cc(380k) and pokedollars. Good luck everyone.
  10. Start all. If I win,I transfer.
  11. You won Gio. Ggz! Let me know when we can meet.
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