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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. C.o. 700k for Duskulll by Bitrix
  2. C.o. 650k for Duskull and 1m50k for lucario
  3. C.o. 550k for Lucario and 500k for Duskull
  4. C.o. 500k for Lucario P.s.- He bid 350k for both. If screenshot needed,I will provide.
  5. C.o. 1.1m by Itachiy for Lucario/800k by Bitrix for Duskull Min bid 50k No insta End- 1am 12/12/22 IST GMT+5.30 Accept cash and cc(350k)
  6. Start
  7. Okay okay. Then I will choose to stay in Gold because I just transferred yesterday and a few of my pokemons are up for lvl+ev service to another player. So if I transfer,I will be paying 200 coins as I would have to transfer back again to collect them. As it is possible for you to force trade it with me being on Gold and the pokemon on Silver,I will stay in Gold and wait for the 24hrs to get over. Thanks again.
  8. If it is possible for you to force trade with me being on gold and @Jequeon silver,I would prefer to stay in Gold. If it's not possible,I would choose to transfer. Thank you for your cooperation and hard work. Take care!
  9. If needed to transfer to silver for force trade,I can do it.
  10. I buy sableye pm me and let me know when we can trade
  11. Please come on,I pm you and after 1 text you went offline xD
  12. I will be in Vermilion
  13. You won mate. Let me know when we can trade.
  14. C.o. 12m by Masterbroccoli
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