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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. C.o. 300k by Vegeta143 Min bid 50k No insta Ends- 12:46pm 24/10/22 IST GMT +5.30 Accept cc(360k) and Pokedollars.
  2. Let me know when you can come online
  3. Insta by Ampunkk Min bid 100k Insta 3m Ends in 48hrs from start. Accept cc(360k) and Pokedollars!
  4. Yea like GP said,crown and some others could be but wings, mounts,and maybe some jackets could do.
  5. Check discord
  6. Hey, I would just like to let you know that you have put the old description,i.e.,jolly gliscor halloween ha for this as well. Good luck with the auction.
  7. Blue wolf mask price? And if blue punk jacket tradable,then that too.
  8. Up we go
  9. Sold. Ty everyone for participating.
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