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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. No,sorry. Only cc and Pokedollars.
  2. C.o. 7069696m by Riegnhard
  3. Sorry I think I removed it by mistake while editing it but originally it was 100k. I will restore it.
  4. C.o. 15m by Masterbroccoli Min bid 100k No insta End point- 12:08 AM,28/11/22 IST GMT +5.30 Accept Pokedollars and CC(350k).
  5. Yoo,I am selling my fish C.o. of 300k by Pikapo1 Min bid 50k Insta 1.5m Auction ends in 24hrs from start. Accept Cc(340k) and Pokedollars.
  6. Pm me here or in discord at Eetaachee#6113
  7. Pm me here or in discord at Eetaachee#6113
  8. Min raise is 50k,so this ain't valid xD
  9. C.o. 5m. Got bid on last minute. So it got extended 15mins.
  10. He didn't know he can't bid without having it. He is sure he can get the money tomorrow. Is there any way it can be considered as this is his first time?
  11. u are a few seconds late. C.o. is already 3.7m by @Chillaui
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