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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. C.O. 2m by Eunia Min bid 100k Insta 4m Auction ends- 2:49pm 1/11/22 IST GMT +5.30 Accept CC(360k) or Pokedollars!
  2. Pm me here or on discord at Eetaachee#6113.
  3. How much you offer?
  4. Well last ones got sold for 6m.
  5. Pm me here or discord me at Eetaachee#6113
  6. @Irushia Sorry for the mention but I am being forced to do this as I have reported it 3+ times since more than 3 days but to no help. Please step in and kindly help. As per my knowledge, in-game time stamps are considered and not time of update on forum as it can lead to manipulation of end time. 12:46pm start time and last bid was on 12:38pm next day. I got a bit late to update here due to a work call.
  7. You can bump only once in 24hrs. Please keep that in mind and good luck.
  8. Can you calculate using the in-game time? I took some time to update on forum. It started on 12:46pm of 23rd/10/22 and I received the bid of 350k at 12:38pm on 24th/10/22. How is this bid not valid? A work call came around that time,so it took me some time to update here.
  9. c.o. 350k and also the winner is @G44k
  10. 200k bid. This person wanted to retract bid but I said not possible. But now it does not matter as he got outbid.
  11. Please leave a comment on my suggestion. Welcome and good luck.
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