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Everything posted by Lyn1311

  1. Up, will transfer to gold if needed
  2. Lyn1311

    Top Player

    My suggestion : Make some kind "all time best score" board for pve things. maybe this can encourage people to keep doing daily quest. Example bcc, would be cool if we saw some kind high score board, Highest submitted poke : Lyn1311 569 poin, Longest streak doing bcc : Lyn1311 369 days and etc Bcc : Highest score submited, Longest Streak, Most Bcc Win Fishin contest : ^same above^ Solaceon : Most Streak, Most submitted Celadon : ^same above^ and etc exca, Battle tower (fastest cleared), No need special kind reward ofc
  3. Yo congrats u won auction garchomp, let me know when able to online and which server
  4. Silver server auction, gold player free to bid, ill transfer any server winner from Start 10k Min bid 10k 2 day auction after start No insta Accept cc 380k/ rr 520k Gud Luck!
  5. Just ignore them ez, i got 8-9 page ignore list, use it when its still free
  6. if considering 1 player play 200 match per month, and win 100 match, it takes 2 year for normal pvp player (non lader) to be able buy prestige mount. if want to be compare able, per account pve, 1 player can gather 400+ pve coin per month by spamming boss (20 boss x 5 pve x 4 week). so if normally pvp player get prestige mount after 2 year, so 2 year worth pve coin is 9600. Not mention playing pvp it lot harder then againts npc, and we also able grind pve coin from other method such dungeon and quest, not also mention per player can spam boss 4 times.
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