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Everything posted by Lyn1311

  1. Hi, another quick auction, decent pvp, Not Bundle! Silver server auction, will transfer to gold for free if winner from gold S.o 100k each Min bid 50k No insta Time : 4hr after start Accept cc 380k/ rr 530k
  2. okay iam going gold rn, please let me know here or contact me at dc and ill be online
  3. Toge Ball Desert Ball Iced Claw Ball Savage Ball MOnarch Ball Terestrial Ball Glitch Pop Ball Ion Ball BFly Ball SPw Ball SPb Ball Zombie Ball
  4. Congrats to @Tejkkapadia123 for espurr and larvitar, and to @Y2j148148 for timburr. Let me know when u guys can be online and which server ill transfer. thnx evryone my ign lyn1311; dc Lyn1311#6556
  5. NOT bundle auction silver server auction, will transfer to gold for free if gold player interested Each start 100k Min bid 50k Time : 4 hr after start No insta Accept cc 380k/ rr 530k
  6. Look like i won, if its true, let me know when u able online, ill transfer to gold
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