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Everything posted by Leafstoned

  1. Lol rip auction
  2. I understand, how about 900k?
  3. I would like to offer 600k for vday chansey (no disrespect)
  4. Bump Pay 6m any xmas bulba or evo posted first
  5. Hi is chansey and blissey big follow sprite like charizard, snorlax etc
  6. Oh nice, i can trade in around 20 hours. No access to pro at the moment. I will transfer and I will pm you here. Thank you and sorry for the delay
  7. Bump Pay 5m for any xmas bulba posted first
  8. 300k Transfer if win
  9. I will be on in couple hours time, will pm you here and in game
  10. Not enough player base to experience most of these things unfortunately
  11. Just do the same thing
  12. Brother this is a very personal thing. I understand your frustration but its not good to expect everyone to be the same. This will be a good awakening for you about the real world. Do right and do for others what you would want, treat everyone the same but dont expect it back from everyone. Game or real life
  13. 269k
  14. I would say dont PM people directly for help, ask questions in help chat/all chat or discord.
  15. Start 50k Min bid 50k Insta 2.8m End 6 hours after start Accept cash, cc=450k Free delivery in any server
  16. Alrighty, cheese
  17. Hi i can do 1m summer gible, 500k summer squirtle
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