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Everything posted by Majorpriyangshu

  1. ty Larvesta sold forgot to screenshot
  2. Contact me in my discord
  3. Greetings stranger. Welcome in my shop, hope you'll find what you're looking for. To contact me : - MajorPriyangshu (InGame) - MajorPriyangshu#2914(Discord) - Private Message on Forum - Post a message here Rules : 1 - Fake offering will be reported. 2- Once you make an offer or buy a pokemon, you cant withdraw it, so care before offering. 3 - Prices are negociable, but i can refuse the offer if it doesn't fit my expectations. 4 - Some pokemon's have dupes, if so don't hesitate to describe the one you want to make things easier. 5 - State the method of payment in your message. 6 - THE MOST IMPORTANT : Stay respectful, and enjoy your journey in my humble shop Method Of Payment : Pokedollars Ms (200k/380k/760k) Coin Capsules (380k) Reroll iv (670k) Reroll Nature (350k) Rare Candy (7k/ea) Focus Sashes (2k/ea) Trained Pokemon's 100k-200k 200k-500k Event pokes Items & Mounts Thanks you for the time you spent in my shop dear traveler. I hope to see you again soon.
  4. Sold all Thanks @Theboogeymanfor buying
  5. As i told some things are not tradeable so only blue skull 75k
  6. Sold shiny charizard mount and shiny gyarados mountTY
  7. Sold hw Rapidash mount Ty @Nico121cabjFor buying
  8. x1 shiny charizard mount sold ,Discount of 50k as first customer
  9. Hi its Majorpriyangshu here , Check my mounts and cosmetics HAT: Mask: Mount: Prices: Normal mount : 150k Shiny mount : 300k Cosmetics(which are 25 coins):75k Event mount : 450k Cosmetics(Event):150k-300k Notes : Some items like divine axe,volcanion mount etc are not tradeable The mounts which are in mega form will be deevolve before trading. Accepting: CC-370K CASH POKES PVP ITEMS OTHER MOUNTS OR COSMETICS IV RR-650K NATURE RR-325K Sold Thank you !
  10. I have many pokes contact me in discord MajorPriyangshu#2914
  11. Price cosmic cloth
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