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About Disappointer

  • Birthday 12/12/2000

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  1. Hello @Aydoo, thanks for the report and I'm sorry for the inconvenience. There's no bug related to wish on the PvP side, but thanks to your report we were able to find that wish turns are bugged on the PvE side. Feel free to report any other bug you may find in the future. Regards, Disappointer.
  2. Hi @SephirothWS, thanks for the report and I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I've fowarded the issue and it will be fixed soon. Feel free to report any other bug you may find in the future. Have a good day. Regards, Disappointer.
  3. Hi @Ahir, thanks for reporting and I'm sorry for the inconvenience. This bug is already known by us, but we are currently unable to reproduce it. If you have any other info to provide us, about how it happened, especially the Battle Log or an explanation of the previous turns will help a lot. Feel free to report any other bug you may find in the future. Regards, Disappointer.
  4. Hi @Siidon, thank you for the report. This issue is already known by our developers and will be fixed soon. Feel free to report any other bug you may find in the future. Have a good day. Regards, Disappointer.
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