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Everything posted by Megadialga

  1. Hello and welcome to my service shop For now I offer daycare services , more services will be available soon ! Price - Level service ( till 97) 1-3 Pokemons -- 90k each More than 3 -- 80k each Ev service 40k each Notes . Max 15 Pokemons at a time . ETA depends on number of Pokemons I have to do . Maximum is 1 week minimum is few hours. ( Depends on how much time I have ) . Special discount for guild mates and friends ^^ . Contact me on discord - megadialga Ingame - megadialga Or reply to this thread .
  2. Hello , as u can see in the images the shiny hydreigon sprite colour is very different from the original colour of the shiny . It doesn't even looks same and seems very ugly . Can it be fixed so that the sprite also has the same original colour of shiny hydreigon.
  3. Start offer - 500k Min bid - 100k No insta Time - 48 hrs from 1st bid gl ^^
  4. Grats u win . I am online for trade
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