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Everything posted by Evan1011

  1. I just noticed those screenshots don't say hidden power , but both magnemite are hp fire.
  2. I'll be in touch
  3. 160k
  4. 120k
  5. So 500k Min bid 25k Insta 2 mil If no insta it will end 48 hours after first bid, ty
      • 1
      • Checked/Done
  6. Alright you got that T-T
  7. 750k also if I win I need an hour to do transaction I gotta drive home soon:)
  8. 560k , she had to wait to the last minute xD
  9. 520k Sn: I'm not a lady
  10. So 1k Min bid 1k Ends 4 hours after first bid
  11. One final bump, auction ends in less than 9 hours.
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