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Everything posted by Lordleo100

  1. Beldum won by @Suncity
  2. Kindly mention the mon you’re bidding on just to be safe
  3. @Suncity you’ve won the ditto and froslass with bids of 110k and 260k respectively, pm me in game or here to claim
  4. End time beldum - 4:51 pm ist Any bid on beldum/froslass will delay the end point by 15mins from now on
  5. 250k froslass, 100k ditto
  6. Can you please state the exact amount for froslass as sometimes raises are not considered by mods
  7. S.O. - 100k each Min Raise 10k End time - 24 hrs after first bid No insta Accepted payments- cc@350k, iv rr - 520k , cash Winners- Beldum- Suncity Ditto- Suncity Froslass-Suncity Feraligtr-Medu5a Sceptile - Dream123456
  8. I would like to buy guts heracross
  9. 500k togepi
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