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About Sayan12345678

  • Birthday 07/24/2004

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Advanced Trainer

Advanced Trainer (4/12)



  1. 480k lets fun until reach 550k.hehe
  2. +1 actually i wnt to make a suggestion about it.so that we can see our poke stat if it shnage to mega or use status move like nasty plot or sword dance. also it will be verry good if there also exist dex for alolan part. But before post me u post it.so ty for it. i hope they will add this soon.
  3. it seems we need to wait for lacomus rc biding if we need rc. keep up bro
  4. lol its bcc.3day enough for streak. again many ppl only can go 2 win in a row..
  5. HI there. I like to say untill got all mega stone we got special reward from bug catching contest judge by win 3 time in a row.But after got all stone that npc don't give us special reard for 3 win streak. Pls i like to request u add 3 win streak reward always like we got it before for mega stone.Also add many special reward like masterball,aditional pve coin, good amount rare candy,good pvp item,good costume and wing..... Kindly regards, Sayan12345678
  6. its amazing u follow game rules strictly. For true i saw many player reserve poke fo othr player.ur different from them. big respect from me. kind regards, sayan12345678
  7. its amazing u follow game rules strictly. For true i saw many player reserve poke fo othr player.ur different from them. big respect from me. kind regards, sayan12345678
  8. Hi there. Wht if they add obito mask? kind regards, Sayan12345678
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  9. I wnt to close this auction.... Strt offer:500k min bid:100k insta:1m accept:pokedollar only end time:24 hours after 1st bid received. Gl everyone
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