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Everything posted by Varun9696

  1. C.O 1m MIN BID 1 POKEDOLLAR TIME : 28 HOURS AFTER START CONTACT : iiV on discord // varun9696/pokeattack3 in game Instant : n/a Accept : CC : 370K IV RR: 500K RC: 5K THX @Lacomus for this idea
  2. @Dfoxy110088can you pls show that it's has hp ice
  3. Bro you got 2 mons for sale ?? When will you add new mons Gl iiV
  4. @Cassecroute bro he has not bidded on the auction he is asking if you can lower the start offer .... If yes then he would have started Gl
  5. S.O 1 POKEDOLLAR MIN BID 1 POKEDOLLAR TIME : 30 HOURS AFTER START CONTACT : iiV on discord / varun9696// pokeattack3 in game GL EVERYONE
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