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  1. Wtb pancham, i dont find you in discord, will you please text me there Discord-delete990
  2. 510 k for sceptile
  3. Wtb cc 480k Discord- delete990
  4. Wtb charmander hp ground (delete990) Its my discord, when you will be availabe please kindly knock me there so that we can trade
  5. Wtb charmander hp ground (delete990) Its my discord, when you will be availabe please kindly knock me there so that we can trade
  6. I wanna buy these 3 poke, (delete990) Its my discord
  7. ign- Ashislegend playtime- 178 hour Discord- delete990
  8. ign- Ashislegend play time- 178 hours favourate poke- Volcarona age-25 discord- delete990
  9. Wtb pikachu 5k My discord (delete990)
  10. hello sir, (fahimop1999) is my acc,i am now in gold server and wanna go to silver server, I know that we can change the server only 1 times in a month,so that i can change it on november 30, but i wanna change it now,is there any way to change it please " Now you can say me that i should wait,actually i wanna complete pinkan quest,my other acc is now on silvee,thats why when i will be there i can brinh those poke to my silver acc, and now i have not much miney to lend poke from others... Thats why will you please kindly change my(fahimop1999) acc from gold to silver? Please sir
  11. Very fast service and helpfull
  12. I dont have any bank acc...but i want to buy coin.... Can i buy coin with crypto?
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