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Everything posted by Smurf378

  1. @ZncholoI am waiting for you bro contact me in discord: susantlc tag then let's trade
  2. @Incandescent I am unable to match timezone with @Theking17and can't find him online when I have, I keep trying but he's unreachable when I am online, anyway to force the trade?
  3. @Zncholo I will transfer my alt named Susantic to complete the trade , let me know when your available for trade.
  4. 1.7m hp fire
  5. 570k hp fire(I will transfer if I win)
  6. Auction ended, mudkip winner - Serkankk, Karthick111 bid was 2 minutes after 15 minutes timer ended. Ty for participating everyone. Gl for future auctions.
  7. 6 minutes left on mukip, Bunne sold to chitti
  8. 15 minutes left for kip
  9. c.o 180k on mudkip
  10. c.o 200k on bunnelby and 170k on Mudkip
  11. Mudkip c.o = 150k by Karthick1111 Bunnelby c.o = 100k by Bankman
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