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Everything posted by Xxxrosxxx

  1. Going to someone's shop an say this is kind and respectful? Imo, I trust shop owner, known for ages, you @Dokynnseem like a troll or just a nobody. Next time, why don't you reach out to someone in dm's if you have a problem. Getting childish in shop forum is pretty pathetic on your part. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR SHOP @Ultimategod360! Can't wait to check it out!!
  2. 250k on naive
  3. congrats @Wikkedninja<3
  4. Bump, under 9 hours left
  5. c/o jack at 1,050,000
  6. 1m s/o 50k min raise Pokecash only Ends 48 hrs after start bid/offer is made https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20241118T1908&p0=2118&font=cursive GL all!
  7. auction ends grats @Neversaydie0987
  8. 15 min rule applies and has kicked in
  9. c/o is 2.2m by ryoik
  10. s/o 2m raise 200k pokedollars or cc's(400k) Ends 48 hrs after start bid/offer is made https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/thanksgiving?iso=20241113T2013&p0=2118&font=cursive Good luck all!
  11. Decided not to auction, can close!
  12. Sneasel 400k
  13. auction has ended, @Italiansquadhas won!
  14. 15 min rule applies
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