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Everything posted by Susantic

  1. Sold can be closed.
  2. Last 30 minutes left
  3. Azu - 450k , Hera - 400k
  4. 5m (Money in Smurf378)
  5. I believe auction had already ended by time you posted new bid, please check the timer and confirm it. Nonetheless I will report it and let mods handle it
  6. C.o 1.41m min bid 100k Auction lasts for 72 hours. Coin capsule = 400k Rr = 500k Nat rr = 250k gl in auction guys (Discord ID : susantlc)
  7. Bruh ?? it's at 1.8m you haven't posted bid of @Praveen00 and it's suddenly sold?? I will be reporting this and let mods handle this
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