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Everything posted by Akakaito

  1. auction officialy ends Onizu is the winner.
  2. Some more sales That have been made while the shop is down.
  3. S.O. 50k Min bid 10k End 2 hours after the first bid met No insta 15 min rules is active. Accept pokedollars/cc=400k/rc=6k
  4. some mores sales. On weekend will be up again the shop
  5. @Yasintahsin0 you are the winner of the auction!
  6. the trades happend while its closed. Soon will be up again with big update on all categories.
  7. Canceled. Can be closed
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  8. S.O. 50k Min bid 20k End 24 hours after the first bid met No insta 15 min rules is active. Accept pokedollars/cc=400k/rc=6k
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