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  1. that was your kadabra? and i guess you don't know about region lock earlier while trading i guess you must not have any proof of trade i guess you can make a request of forms with the other guy name and may be even now take screen shot of a conversation you both are agree for a force trade of your pokes back by a mod
  2. in high ladder it is important to have more time to think about your move and what could your opponent do and to make prediction and to analysis that what type of treates your opponent have for your main sweeper it is very time consuming
  3. starting price ------ 1M min raise 100k No insta payment methods rare candy -4k each coin capsule - 450k each end point 72 hours after first bid
  4. lovely concept can't wait be in game
  5. give me your discord
  6. 300k peliper 200k shiftry if buy both 400k you can negociate if u buy both
  7. can trade right now?
  8. can traderight now?
  9. ok sry didn't see that
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