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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. Sorry, Mr Formal, didn't realise you owned this thread. Yes, Yellow had bad prices. So did the other servers. My point is making a server default wont fix anything. There will always be the ongoing issue of "OMG our server is dead and gets no love!!!One!!111!!!" Making a new thread every month that your server doesn't get default server wont fix anything. Instead, you could try explaining the situation instead of using recycled points and demanding that you have things your way. As this is certainly how your text is perceived. I'm more than aware of the bot crackdown post. The reason I didn't mention it is because there was no need. Of course all servers were going to lose playercounts, that's a no brainer. I thought it would've been obvious to people that Red and Blue didn't regain their playercounts because Yellow was default and took the majority of players. Maybe the weak economy on Yellow server has something to do with the fact that most of the money on Yellow server is controlled by 4 or so people. Where as Red and Blue server are much longer established and the money is more spread. I asked the people it concerned to consider my points. I wasn't specifically tell anybody, including yourself, that you had said anything. I don't know why you feel like you're the centre of my argument, when the conversation was open.
  2. I honestly don't care what the current default server is since it doesn't affect me in the slightest. However, I think it's been forgotten that Yellow server was the default server for well over 4-5 months before Blue took its place. Yellow was highly populated by botters and new players due to it being the default server. Once the majority of those bots were banned, the playercount decreased. Now look at Blue or Red server. Both were at drastically low playercounts (Blue was almost considered dead soon after Yellow server was added) and were only revived recently as they were made default server. Now also look at the rise of botters on these two servers. See a correlation yet? If not, I'll explain it simpler. The recent default servers only have high playercounts because bots and new players orient to them. Also consider that the game wasn't nearly as active in global playerbase after the Summer holidays so Red and Blue server, who weren't default at the time, took massive hits to their playercount. Yet nobody complained. The game has started to grow in popularity again and more players are joining each server. The evidence is kindly provided as all server playercounts have almost doubled since last month. No matter what the default server is, the other two servers will have lower playercounts. Somebody picking what the default server is over the situation of the economy isn't "a complete joke." Nobody can make that judgement without the current raw data. I'll add that old data has been given and Yellow is doing very well considering its age. Valid arguments were given, whether you chose to listen to them or not is your own problem. P.S. Daeon didn't promise anything, she only said that she would forward it. However, if you're zealous to the idea she did promise something, consider that she promised a lot of other things and didn't deliver.
  3. Are you able to visit our Discord server? This is the primary way that our guild communicates and is essential if you wish to join :p
  4. Thanks for applying. I've sent an invite link in your PMs :)
  5. Thanks all for applying. Check your PMs for an invite link to our Discord server.
  6. Sorry but we have a strict 17+ requirement and the only leeway we offer is 16+. Best of luck finding a different guild though.
  7. If you'd like to join, feel free to. Exceptions can be made to the requirements :)
  8. My first shiny was a Hoothoot which I got after about 30 minutes of playing the game. Sorry, you don't hold the record :P
  9. Thank you for applying to the guild. I'll invite you to the Discord server via PMs :)
  10. Thanks for applying to our guild. I'll send you an invite link to our Discord server shortly.
  11. Try Karps. Link is in my signature :3
  12. Thanks for applying to the guild! I'll send you an invite link shortly :3
  13. Welcome back :y:
  14. Thanks for applying to the guild, I'll send you an invite to our Discord server shortly :Smile:
  15. Happy one year anniversary, Karps!
  16. Thanks for applying to the guild. You'll be sent an invite link to our Discord server shortly ^^
  17. A 2DS XL, huh? Now that would make a good door stop! I mean, think about it, Slide the top half of the screen under the door. Close the bottom half of the DS to make an L shape. Tell everyone that there's an expensive game console under your door. Nobody will come into your room. IGN: JollyolNathan Country: England Proof of share: https://prntscr.com/fe6zng
  18. Re: Complete Kanto Walkthrough. <t>[mention]hahahaka[/mention] Yes, that is true however it's only obtainable by players who haven't beaten Brock. Once you beat the Pewter Gym, the quest is locked. I assume it's intended to help new players only.</t>
  19. Thanks for applying to the guild ^^ Check you PMs for an invite link to our Discord server :)
  20. I love you. Check your PMs!
  21. [mention]PLNovoxy[/mention] Actually, this happened to me a long while ago. Trading the Pokemon to another account then trading it back seemed to fix it for me. Try that, I guess. Hopefully it works in your case :p
  22. Re: Complete Kanto Walkthrough. <r><QUOTE author="Lenova" post_id="388736" time="1495466505" user_id="326823"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Is the best way to grind your pokemons to 80+ at the cave below the Elite 4?<br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> Without a doubt :)</r>
  23. Re: Complete Kanto Walkthrough. <t>[mention]Lenavo[/mention] It's recommended, otherwise you'll end up spending far too much money on Potions and Revives. You'll also end up sacking your Pokemon in the battles just so you can heal up your strongest one. 90 is a stretch now, due to the changes in how some players started playing. Once you're past level 80, you should be good for the Elite 4 :)</t>
  24. Nathan


    Yes, Paypal is the only payment method for PRO. However, I'm unsure about your problem since I'm using a debit card for Paypal and it works fine for me. On Paypal, click the "Wallet" button on the navigation bar and under "Debit and credit cards," click "Add a card." Here's a guide that I found with a quick Google search too. https://www.paypal.com/va/selfhelp/article/how-do-i-add-a-debit-or-credit-card-to-my-account-faq826 Lemmie know if that works.
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