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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. Thanks for the application, I've responded to you in PMs with a link to our Discord server. Looking forward to meeting you :)
  2. You can just post it in the reply section and I'll get back to you :)
  3. I agree with you, wings look... eh... In my opinion, they're often too big and/ or end up looking silly. No doubt that the artists could make something that looks good but I'm not sure if I'd like to see everyone running around with wings on their back :p I must say, the angel and devil wings look pretty good though, not my favourite customisable item but not the worst :Angel: :devil: (I'm the one that suggested animal tails, pajamas and school outfits ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
  4. Check out Karps :) We're a friendly guild, always looking for new people to add to the family <3 Just fill in the application form, found on our forum page: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=33864#p198148
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong, as this is from a Red server perspective, however, Dwebble was obtainable from the Excavation Sites for a while. I have a few in my PC still. I think Klink is the same, however it was only there for a few days. Another possibility is that Minccino was obtainable for a couple of hours after the Love Island remake but removed because it wasn't intended. Maybe it's possible that the other player has one or two of these Pokemon and their evolutions? Of course, this is from memory and could be incorrect but it's entirely possible. Hope that it helps.
  6. What a twist :p
  7. I'm currently hosting a guild hunting event for all members to participate in. New members can take part too. My aim is to keep events consistent, new, unique and interesting; but most of all, extremely enjoyable. The prizes include Rare Pokemon, Shiny Pokemon, PvP Pokemon, Mounts, Lots of Money and much more! Our requirements also changed so you only need 80+ hours to join :Angel: Rules/Reqs Application
  8. [glow=aqua]1st - What country are you from?[/glow]United Kingdom [glow=aqua]2nd - What server are you?[/glow]Red [glow=aqua]3rd - Why did they choose this server?[/glow]Because it was the default one (lol) [glow=aqua]4th - Are you happy on this server?[/glow]Couldn't be happier [glow=aqua]5th - What is your favorite Pokémon in the game (PRO) and in the all franchise?[/glow]Magikarp. By far the best Pokemon in the game. [glow=aqua]6th - And which Pokémon would you most like to own?[/glow]Assuming you mean real life, a real Latias would be pretty cool. You could fly it and whatever else it does (It's cute too) [glow=aqua]7th - What's your favorite shiny version in the Pokémon franchise?[/glow]Magikarp or Caterpie. I mean, they're golden. What more could you ask for? [glow=aqua]8th - And, finally, what does Pokémon mean to you?[/glow]Pokemon means a lot to me. It's my entire childhood and I'm lucky to have it :y:
  9. I'm unsure if this is actually possible but it'd be great non-the-less! +1 :y:
  10. Your response is 13 days after I posted this And you say I'm a little late... :Cry: But yeah, just a little late. But hey, at least I made one (Even if it took me about 9 months to do so xD)
  11. 9 days, dude... I can't wait :3
  12. Happy to be in this Discord! I thoroughly recommend joining it <3
  13. Not 6x31 but it sure is close :Ambivalent:
  14. Welcome to PRO :)
  15. Well you certainly aren't new :p Nice to see you around Quan :D
  16. Good luck to everyone :)
  17. Re: My new Sketch <r>These are beautiful <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  18. Hi, the recent client update changed the default server from Yellow to Blue. Make sure that you selected the right server before clicking Log-In :)
  19. Hi Aicce! Thanks for applying to our guild! I've sent you a link to our Discord server through PMs, we look forward to meeting you :)
  20. Welcome to PRO! I hope you enjoy your game :)
  21. The Gyarados must be in your party in order to link it. Since the game recognizes it via [Poke1-6] (Your Party Pokemon), Pokemon in your boxes aren't available to link. This issue isn't caused by server lag :) You can get rid of the Gyarados mosh-pit by restarting your client.
  22. Honestly, this is a tough choice. I'd pick something cool like Charizard or MewTwo, but it just isn't conventional for the real world. If it had to be anything it would be something that would fit in with everyday life. :etc: Honedge. If anyone dares to grab its hilt, it wraps a blue cloth around that person's arm and drains that person's life energy completely. ~ Pokemon Y Pokedex I would totally go around daring people to pick up the sword :devil:
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