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Everything posted by Pajdo19

  1. i know its not epic but maybe you need ?
  2. i have 29/29, [heck] bulk joly defiant pawn... 500k
  3. so i won with 500k? auction ended 5 min after my post if im corect ?
  4. hey i want to sell this snivy as an auction. auction lasts 48h from 1st bid start=500k min bid=100k accept : pokedolars rr=550k cc=350k hf bidding
  5. hi, after todays update when i use batton pass in boss battle it always throws out shuckle instead of pangoro, even if shuckle is alredy dead. It happened twice in a row so first time i just tought i accidentaly presed shuckle instead of pangoro, but the second time shuckle was alredy dead and i was extra mindful of wich poke i send out with batton. So the picture is from the second boss battle.
  6. start
  7. hi im selling ws price 7m negotiable
  8. hey wts this feebas as a quick auction. start = 500k min bid = 50k auction end after 1day from firs bid glhf
  9. hey can i just ask you where did you get simple beam for golduck ?
  10. hey, i want to sell this pokes ! want to sell tham as auction lasting 2 days from first offer. start on shinys is set at 250k and on weavile at 500k if you give me a dicent offer im open to fast sell also tnx
  11. hey wts this weavile as an auction auction is gona last 1 day from first bid. Start is set at 800k, 100k min bid.
  12. wtb excadrill 26/25 SR ada for 550k pm me ingame or here i have same nickname
  13. deal ! pm me here or ingame i have same nickname
  14. 100k on 31 atk larvitar
  15. Going once Going twice Sold ! Ill pm you in 30min or so to make the trade
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