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Everything posted by Hundjager

  1. Insta
  2. Don’t see why not, however probably would be better in spawn suggestions thread +1 though
  3. Bump
  4. Bump
  5. No problem, train in something like Cerulean cave and you can get more xp for having membership ofc and you can also buy an xp booster as well to get even more xp. Being in a top 10 pvp guild also gives you 25% bonus xp. Being in a guild in general can also give you more xp overall. So keep that in mind.
  6. Level yourself a Mismagius/Misdreavus (Level 65 I believe should be fine iirc) and teach it the moves > Perish song Protect Memento *Edit, you can catch one around level 50-55 in Mt Silver Use the moves in that order, then switch into the smeargle and he'll get the full xp of the fight
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