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Everything posted by An1ma

  1. i dont do soundcloud >_<
  2. Re: HERAGOD! thicc squad (Pokémon Ep.8) <r>new video from SHOWDOWN! :O <E>:Shocked:</E> <E>:Angel:</E> <E>:Heart:</E> <br/> <br/> <BBVIDEO bbvideo0="560" bbvideo1="315" content=" [bBvideo=560,315]</s><URL url=" [/bBvideo]</e></BBVIDEO></r>
  3. :o then it might be a bit hard to meet up
  4. sure ^^ add me on discord at an1ma#6122
  5. Re: HERAGOD! thicc squad (Pokémon Ep.8) <r><QUOTE author="Sabo" post_id="400112" time="1497950075" user_id="901275"><s> </e></QUOTE> :o</r>
  6. Re: HERAGOD! thicc squad (Pokémon Ep.8) <r>new video <E>:Heart-eyes:</E> <E>:kiss:</E> <E>:Heart:</E> <br/> <br/> <BBVIDEO bbvideo0="560" bbvideo1="315" content=" [bBvideo=560,315]</s><URL url=" [/bBvideo]</e></BBVIDEO></r>
  7. new pokes , bump <3
  8. the 150k$ magikarp is sold, but you can pm me in game or send request on discord at an1ma#6122 :Angel:
  9. alright <3
  10. thank you hanjoo :Heart: :Heart:
  11. :y: :Heart: :Angel:
  12. ok honni <3
  13. Rules are that I sell to whoever give me the money first. If you wanna buy I strongly recommend you to contact through Discord at An1ma#6122. If there are any specific pokémon you are looking for you can search easily with CTRL + F -> [Name of poke] Torchic / Blaziken Corphish / Crawdaunt Carvanha / Sharpedo Dragonair / Dragonite Eelektross Growlithe / Arcanine Gible / Garchomp Gyarados Pelipper Poliwag / Poliwrath Ralts / Gardevoir Rhyperior Starmie Slowbro Tentacruel
  14. :Heart:
  15. An1ma

    my first team

    gl with ur team buddy ^^
  16. Re: thicc squad (Pokémon Ep.7)! [PVP videos] <3 <r>new thicc squad video ! <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:Heart:</E> <br/> <br/> <BBVIDEO bbvideo0="560" bbvideo1="315" content=" [bBvideo=560,315]</s><URL url=" [/bBvideo]</e></BBVIDEO></r>
  17. What u mean i read all the thing if u think i dont understand explain plz "so if any1 is interested in my hearthstone account u can just hit me up in dm's and f*** you blizurd piece of s*** company"
  18. he is a known hacker of this game that hacks pokeman and legendaries to kill people in pvp cause he set out on mission to take over the universe and has mind of pure evil
  19. guys guys wtf nooo dont do this guys read the thing, its about hearthstone not pro i love u guys but please guys come on atleast read the thing O_O
  20. Did you give out ur account information to anybody? also he/she is just trying to help you, you are not the only one who have lost pokemon and so that is why a lot of people already know how it is possible to get them back as it has been seen again and again that people can't get them back 'cause they don't have the ID number. and i would not say lv100 ev trained pokes is hard to obtain, it depends on the pokes stats. Just saying 'cause it sounds like you are not very experienced. Alright have a nice day.
  21. sugoi konichiwa so i decided that i am finally quitting and just like when people quit twitter they write an essay on why i will do the same for this cuz i need the attention to feed my ego or else i will burn out, i hope u understand i cant live without ur compassion so i need to make u guys to let me know that u feel bad for me and are supporting me or else i cant live on any longer thanks a lot for still reading by the way it means a lot alright so i will get in to it now that was the intro so i will get in to the first step now alright im glad we are on the same page alright lets go , phew ok right lets go. so it started of with being a very enjoyable experience every1 was playing having fun and it was just great time over all i spend so much time with my friends playing this simple game that every1 loved and enjoyed alright so then the dark passage came we all knew it wud come eventually but like yeah now it was showing for real :Nervous: worst time of my life was the first update i was like yo guys im winning why u gotta ruin my life and hinder me from having good time but they did it anyway and as i kept playing more and more updates came along and its just fucking crazy how much time just goes by when having fun but i just kept playing through the updates which i all hated by the way i hated every single one if u know me u know im one trick pony at every game i can only play 1 style and when that style is hindered i just cant play its impossible but whatever i kept playing butn ow it just got to a point where i need to say stop i cant do this anymore every day i play this game and its just not fun anymore i need to move on with my life and focus on other games cuz lets realize it i dont have a life and chances are neither does u so i will just stay addicted to the other games i play and try get addicted to more games so if any1 is interested in my hearthstone account u can just hit me up in dm's and f*** you blizurd piece of s*** company alright thats all i have for yoday thank you for reading if your still reading i give you 10 points alright thanks a lot , lots of love and ur dog , i will bless ur family(if you have one) and ur friends which u might not have but it doesnt matter u have ur dog anyway alright have a good day thats all i got like subscribe and donate to my Forum account and retweet it cuz people need to be aware alright :kiss: :Heart:
  22. no problem sweetie :Heart: :Heart:
  23. Re: pvp videos <3 ~An1ma <r>New video!! <E>:Heart:</E> sorry this cant be watched in china due to music <E>:Frown:</E> very sorry :o<br/> <br/> <BBVIDEO bbvideo0="560" bbvideo1="315" content=" [bBvideo=560,315]</s><URL url=" [/bBvideo]</e></BBVIDEO></r>
  24. O_O
  25. An1ma


    ur such a sweet angel only telling trues :Angel:
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