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Everything posted by Sharlank

  1. Same thing, tons of candies, 0 pokemons :( not cool
  2. Have to say that I agree... I'm fine with the increase of price, but the new spawns are like 90% items... We can already buy those items, adjusting rarity of pokemons can be done without decreasing it to 10/20% or lower... 2 sites today i found like 2 common pokemons and ALL items... wouldn't be incentivized to do them as regularly as I was doing when actually encountering pokemons...
  3. They changed the rarity spawn 100% as well... finding waaaaay too many items now and waaaaay too less pokemons
  4. 2nd option. You'll still find gastlys, in addition other spawns will be catchable. You'll gain +1 discovery for common spawns, +2 discoveris for evert experienced spawn (even when the pokemon flees because of not enough discoveries, you'll still get the +2).
  5. Thanks added :D leftovers moved to general items :)
  6. Thanks :) Leftovers from natural site :D
  7. Yep, already added that, it's probably a common spawn to all sites after a certain number of dicoveries :)
  8. Protector / Reaper cloth items added into their relative exc. sites (mineral / haunted)
  9. Apprently they added rare candy in all spots, found one in feral site as well, i'll update
  10. Thunder on galvantula compound eyes seems to miss more than 91% as well, maybe we're both the most unlucky guys ever :p
  11. Once you show a 100+ivs OT cubchoo ot to her, you obtain the cubchoo hat, but after that if you go to poke center without talking to her again immediately she disappears without the possibility of a battle and this weird interaction happens: Video: https://vid.me/mBrR Edit: just a note, i already tried to press space or interact with the place where the boss is supposed to be, so not only missing in terms of graphical appearance
  12. So... I'm close to complete Hoenn dex, missing just castform and barboach. Since I've got seen data of castform, I can see that it's not a spawn, so I'm guessing there is a quest for that pokemon. Anyone any info / ideas?
  13. Sharlank

    Hoenn E4

    Rest in pieces dei :'(
  14. 100% sure? :D I got 497, thanks for the info <3
  15. thanks a lot <3 (houndour has no requirements btw, found them since 0 discoveries)
  16. Thanks for the screens :D Will add with credits, can you get the other 4?
  17. Spheal in Glacial Site is 400+ discoveries, the one that i encountered with 398 fled, the one with 402 didn't and so did not all the others :)
  18. UPDATE It's confirmed that cacnea doesn't flee when you have 200+ discoveries, credits to Herzogzwei who checked the number with me step by step <3 I'm guessing there are some "mid-tier" pokemons you're able to catch after a certain number of discoveries :)
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