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Everything posted by Myhappyending

  1. Thanks Yteixna. still nice trading with you
  2. hi @Williwu allright but ur discord williwu#0 doesnt exists for me. add mine: MyHappyEnding#3599
  3. Hi Ntszuu3, yes please msg me Discord to find a date to Trade.
  4. UPDATE...a Few Pokes like Donphan impish, Godly Scizor for 1,6m, or the best impish Server Gyrados is Sold. ThanksFor Shopping Still so many good pokes to Grab. Be The First or it's Done. "it will update Weekly"
  5. Rufflet Defiant 31 Atk. Snover Quite good Iv's 25+ Scizor/Scyther Careful 30/31 HP SPDEF Feebas/Milotic Careful 30/31 HP SPDEF Arcanine Impish GODLY IV'S! i have enough cash to pay these! dont worry. Thanks IG: MyHappyEnding Discord: MyHappyEnding#3599
  6. hi Trainers! WTS my Horsea! 48h Auction after s.o s.o 500k min bet 100k insta = 2M
  7. Job's Done. you Should watch out for more!
  8. Adamant 31 ATK Scizor Sold to Miltos7!
  9. This Auction ended 6 hours ago right? or is it still running?
  10. start
  11. where are the pokes? i see nothing @_@
  12. Welcome Trainers - Currencies Accepted - Black M - 200k Small MS - 200k Membership - 400k Big Membership - 750k Reroll Ticket - 600k Nature Reroll - 280k Coin Capsule 430k Exp Boost - 80k Rare Candy - 7k Pokedollars Rules: SPECIAL RULE: If you buy 3+ pokes at the same time you get a Discount of 10% on your purchases/ & if you buy 5 pokes or more 15% for you! 1. Here are Fair prices. think twice about your offer. you cant cancel it. 2. There are no Auctions, only instaprices (a few Price's are negotiable.) 3. Items are not inclueded & keep in mind that most Pokes have a useable Moveset which cost's normally 30-60k. (sometimes pp up's). 4. Buyers from the Silver server are welcome but they must transfer themselves to the Gold Server. Contacts: Ingame: MyHappyEnding Discord: MyHappyEnding#3599 Trained Pokes Shiny & Event New Pokes can appear anytime. you should visit again.
  13. 9 hp. 50k
  14. damn i missed
  15. still Sad to read this you was always in my Heart. Limbo was life . It was an unforgotten time Thanks!
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