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About Mummie

  • Birthday 10/19/1992

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  1. use the propper format for a request ;)
  2. IGN Mummie Server Gold Pokemon for Delevel Gligar
  3. side note you can also contact me on discord @Mummie Senpai#7663
  4. Yes indeed i am still in hoenn and she just Disappeared no teleport im still standing at her place ign mummie
  5. hey i had someone help me with killing Hannah and when i returned his pokes i went back to hannah talked to her to go to sinnoh she just vanished. How can i go to sinnoh now iv tried Relogging multiple times already IGN Mummie
  6. if found a minor bug with Chat What is the problem ? Well sometimes when you log back in from bein afk you chat doesnt say press enter to type and i can walk normally but asdw will be typed in chat window how to reproduse it have chat open on typing. go afk and get logged out. log back in and boom it happens. here i hope it loads a Gif of the prob
  7. IGN: Mummie Server: Gold Question: what are to future plans for the game for example what new regions are in the pipelines ? Staff Team Directed To: dev/content
  8. i can see myself using this when can we expect a release Also i like the black interface im a fan of dark themes in tools like this :3
  9. contact me on discord so we can arrange a meat up (Mummie Senpai#7663)
  10. just letting you guys know i Do Ev Training for the same price but i will Not do leveling service
  11. join us (bumb)
  12. fun group of peeps 10/10 would join again the raiders discord is fun if you need help you can always ask there and the memes are always strong. and b4 i forget always blame Bhim :P
  13. i dont think this is supposed to happen a lil texture glitch ?
  14. Edit ignore my post got a invite to a diff guild
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