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Everything posted by Mephilist

  1. Welcome to Pro! cant wait to meet you in-game!
  2. Mephilist

    More Mounts

    I want Arnie as a mount....
  3. Thisll sound really sarcastic but the movie you refer to is called Pokemon the first movie....
  4. "ordinary move" not ordinary more
  5. Vegetas right on this one. Fly is just a ordinary more (that can help ease travel). Dont know about everyone else but I for one do not want to Walk all around Hoenn when its released.....
  6. Welcome to the revolution! Looking forward to meeting you in-game!
  7. So what did you name it? Can we get an update? :o Well.. im stuck between naming it Lucy, Angel, or Orange Juice :Angel:
  8. It doesnt and this is why, you have to look beyond the next 6 months to a year. Right now and even in a year what youre saying could be true to an extent. The more money one gains the less theyre going to grind payday for if no other reason it becomes not worth the grind. There will come a time where a smaller group of players will hold a majority of the wealth in game. When this happens it will become increasingly more difficult to get the lump sum of the upper class of player to trickle down to the new players because not enough of them will have desired goods like shinys or large amounts of cash to exchange with them. So it will help to bridge that gap, not completely but enough to help the issue by getting their foot in the door so to speak. I agree with Vegeta on this.
  9. never heard of it.. ill look it up though!
  10. Mephilist

    Guild Wars

    I like the idea... But I am not sure if its practical :/
  11. Best solution is to make a new account and wait till games release (2 weeks or so). Everyone's player records will be wiped when game is fully released. = )
  12. Welcome to pro! Cant wait to meet you in-game!
  13. Welcome to pro! Cant wait to meet you in-game!
  14. Welcome to pro! Cant wait to meet you in-game!
  15. Welcome to pro! Cant wait to meet you in-game!
  16. Hey scaydi! Welcome to Pro! Cant wait to train with you in-game!!
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