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Everything posted by Yugibac

  1. Up for Auction is a Clone event Venusaur with hidden ability Chlorophyll and Hidden power fire If need be I can try to remove unwanted evs I had trained it for mix attacker due to neutral nature Starting at 1m Increments of 200k Insta 7m Will last 3 days After 1st bid has been made!
  2. * Why do you want join in Skere? I'm looking to join a active mature guild so i can make more friends and have an awesome time on PRO also looking to learn as much as i can from pvp so i can become one of the top ladder players but trying to only use my OT pokemon is my goal!! * In game Name: Yugibac * Screen shot of your trainer card * With what rating do you think you can help us? Honestly not sure I still want to learn Pvp from good players I already have alot of pvp ready epic pokemon just not sure how to use them to the fullest Highest rating ever was like 180 few years ago Havent done pvp since the Server Merge
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAA-NQzfH78&t=77s Let me know what u think and if u have any other Theme team suggestions let me know or even if u have suggestions about the video like Volumes only music etc
  4. ahh okay my bad than ya i guess thats not so bad
  5. I dont think its a good idea silver is full of OG players from blue AND red and have been in game longer so they have more epics and goldy pokemon it will ruin gold and make it as toxic as silver. (No offense to good silver players) if they want pokemon from silver switch ur profile over via 100c or free monthly or just dont try to buy on other server
  6. If you're looking for hunts you can discord me at @ yugibac#2293 or message me on here! here is some examples of hunts ive done in the past!
  7. So i had started on silver server but decided to go to gold server and forgot i had let a friend/guildmate use my pokemon and now im on Gold server, is there any way to get back the pokemon i let him borrow on silver go to my account on gold without having to wait the few months to transfer back and forth?
  8. Why do you want to join Eternity? to be honest im looking for a guild to get better at pvp/learn about the pro meta make friends and have friends to talk to when hunting/pvp Real name / ingame name: Brett/Yugibac How old are you? 26 Ur country/ which language(s) do you speak? united states and English only Discord name+tag / how often u r online there? yugibac#2293 im always online either on my cell/computer but for some reason my cellphone doesnt alert me of messages that are @me What is your goal on pro/are you interested in pvp/already pvping? My goal is to be a Top go to hunter and to be on the Ladder as the best OT trainer in the game Screenshot of your trainercard
  9. Hello, i am recently getting back into the game after taking a long break. Im looking to be mainly a hunter but I'd also like to learn pvp more in details, I want to be on the ladder but with only OT pokemon, i want to be one of the top battlers using Pokemon I caught!
  10. I'd like to Join NoMercy! Why do you want to join NoMercy? I'd like to be in a Top players Guild hunt their pokes and learn more PvP from them. There is no better way to learn more about pvp than with the best of the best What can you contribute to NoMercy? I can hunt/farm their pokemon if needed ive always been a hunter and give my opinions about some movesets/evs If it would at all help Have you ever been banned in PRO, and why? Yes it was a misunderstanding i traded to a friend to sell alot of pokemon and they RMT banned me but it was all sorted out. Other than having fun playing the game, what are your goals in PRO? Hunt the best of the Best! and try to be on the ladder using OT pokemon I want to be the best OT battler in PRO! How old are you and other than English, what languages do you speak? 26 none What is your discord name and ID tag number? (Example: teerav#0975) yugibac#2293 Provide a screenshot of your Trainer Card.
  11. Hello everyone I am trying to get back into the game not sure how well Hunting Services go anymore nor do I honestly know the prices roughly ive been off for a good as you can see my last post was almost a year ago, But im trying to get into game again so im going to try some Hunting Services if you need something just message me in game here or discord yugibac#2293
  12. bump
  13. Okay can they plese edit the guide u HAVE to talk to dawn before AND after its working now guide isnt 100% accurate
  14. before i completed it yes the guide doesnt say u have to talk to anyone after you have completed all the quests
  15. yes i talked to the statues of palkia and dialga and battled arceus on that mountain. i battled all 3 lake trios for the dex entries and ive been doing by that guide but they still arent spawning
  16. A rough estimate would be probably near 700k due to needing Black medallion and safari fees and being a high tier to get But we can maybe work out a deal if need be also.
  17. I have completed the quest i have over 200 sinnoh hours and 1200+ overall hours have the dex entries/evos needed in the guide I talked to professor and i have the caught native pokemon needed but they still arent spawning am i missing something?
  18. Dionisisbiz sorry i dont know the exact prices until i get it i can try to get an estimate on one but i need to know what kind of ivs u want
  19. Hello Everyone, I'd like to try to open a hunting service! It's always been a goal of mine to hunt for players/top players. I've always enjoyed hunting and would love to hunt for the community. I do have all Regions and most places unlocked so if its hunt able I'm there for you! Hunting Services 1. Do not ask for impossible offers ex. Shiny epics or something like 4x 31 please keep them reasonable Prices will depend on the Ivs/Rariety/Ms/Bms and how wanted the pokemon is in demands Please respect how much time it can take Hunts are not instant Please notify if you are canceling the Hunt for whatever reason Will not tollerate Timewasters they will be reported Payment doesnt have to be pokedollars but prefer it to be Deals are always welcomed If I find need be I can Cancel or Refuse a hunt, but i will not do so without a Reason You can always get ahold of me ON PRO or Discord Yugibac#2293 Here are some Examples of hunts I've done in the past I Look forward to hear from everyone and hope to have some great hunts!
  20. What is your Discord tag? Yugibac#2293 How often do you use Discord? Everyday always logged in pc or phone If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? Add channels for the Servers so that way if people want to find people in discord to play with they can chat in their server channel and chat or if they want to talk to everyone they can do so in general
  21. non-ranked i think its fine but ranked I think its unfair. It defeats the purpose of all the people hunting for pokemon when they get 1 SUPER pokemon with 0 effort
  22. wow isnt that cool down a bit long :/
  23. This is because you dont have fail a lengendary. sorry when i replied i didnt know i was on my alt accounts forum :/and dont know how to delete the post xD but yeah i have battled him before but lost 15days ago and i have jirachi failed..
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