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Nyong's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. why does it take a long time for some players to respond and for others it doesn't? how does the filter work?
  2. What's your IGN? -- Nyong How old are you? -- 19y What is Your Discord ID? -- #5711 What's your goal in PRO? -- Being one of the best in PvP and another (funny) goal I have is to have all the dex pokes usable (even the trolls), and of course have fun. What is your favorite aspect of PRO? -- The game itself, I've always liked pokemon and being able to play one online with several people is very good. What was your highest rating achieved in the last 3 PvP seasons? -- Approximately 280, i don't remember Why did you choose Predators? -- I believe that by joining predators I will improve a lot in pvp and also for people. I intend to make new friends. Guild island is your main aim to join us ? -- No, guild island would be just an extra
  3. Buy 31spd timid charizard 20+
  4. Wtb charizard timid 31spd spatk 28+ and 20+
  5. I want the infernape modest
  6. I evolved my Pokemon unintentionally, could I return it to Golbat? I was uploading and I clicked "yes"
  7. 2.5m start ends in 3 days after start. insta 5m. (My discord: iTz#5711)
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