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Everything posted by Namelesshero27

  1. Re: NH 27 Cheap Shop - New Pokemon 20/10 - Egg Moves service 16k - Full Dex Service Kanto <t>The game say you're offline.</t>
  2. I think random mean he is in just one of those locations for good.
  3. No, it wouldn't work. Some people had decided to rise the price of MS, they will not allow the price to drop. They control the market, if someone try to sell to a lower price or try to complain, they attack him and make him stop. We are more like in an oligarchy.
  4. Re: NH 27 Cheap Shop - New Pokemon 20/10 - Egg Moves service 16k - Full Dex Service Kanto <r><QUOTE author="ShadowForce"><s> </e></QUOTE> I have only Deep Sea Scale. PM me in game.<br/> <QUOTE author="sw333"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sure. Pm me in game.</r>
  5. Lol. feels bad :Ambivalent: :Ambivalent:
  6. Re: NH 27 Cheap Shop - New Pokemon 20/10 - Egg Moves service 16k - Full Dex Service Kanto <t>Added<br/> Kanto: Shuckle, 2 Squirtle, Kabuto, Pawniard, Skarmory.<br/> Johto: 2 Sandile.<br/> Hoenn: Shuppet.</t>
  7. Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan Evo are not coded yet. All the Tyrogue will evolve in Hitmontop. Check this topic for the not coded evo. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=48504
  8. Sold to Cames because of time ended. Thank you all.
  9. at least you can reach your goal :Frown:
  10. But there isn't an "amount of encounters required to find extremely rare pokemon". Sometime you can find 2 extr. rare poke in 30 min. sometimes you don't find one in 3 days.
  11. I want to buy a Timid Larvesta/Volcarona, at least good if not epic.
  12. I don't know, Leafeon look very nice, or Flareon because fire.
  13. I had this problem yesterday evening around 20:30 pm (european time) against Arnie.. I wasn't the only, we were 2/3 in that cave, other people in all chat saying bosses worked some hours before so.. yes, probably the reset was yesterday.
  14. But.. the "actual cooldown to expire".. from when? From the reset?
  15. No, I don't think so, I wouldn't know what to ask as insta. I prefer to just end the bid.
  16. Hi. I face Arnie 25 october the last time. Today I try again and he keep saying "Came back in 0 hours". Try relog, but.. don't work. We are 2 person here around Arnie now, all with the same problem.
  17. 1st evo is still ok. Just a little slower. I train a combusken and it wasn't so bad. Full evolved poke are a mess. And I don't think it's an "issue", they want it this way.
  18. Example: Level 97 Charmander ask 1mln to level to 98. Level 97 Charizard ask around 5mln to level to 98. If you really need the poke, yes, still and always evolve it later.
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