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Everything posted by Mozambi

  1. Start 400k min raise 100k auction ends 24 hr after first bid
  2. my bad,all good.
  3. Username: Mozambi Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Serbia GMT+2
  4. Reuniclus/solosis Bold Magic guard 31def 25+spdef 30/31 hp 25+spatk Muk-alolan ada p.touch 31atk 30/31hp 25+ def Hax.Ada mold. 31 atk 28+spd 25+hp spdef def
  5. Start 300k min raise 50k auction ends 48hr after first bid
  6. no activity.close
  7. up
  8. Start 300k Min raise 50k 48 hr auction after first bid
  9. Start 500k min raise 50k 48hr auction
  10. discord or here if u have any shiny skiddo
  11. no activity,close.
  12. -Start 1m -Min.Raise 100k -Auction ends 24hr after first bid.
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