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Everything posted by Mozambi

  1. No activity,close.
  2. Start 300k Min.raise 50k Auction ends 48hr after first bid Insta 5m If player from gold win they need to come Silver .
  3. Start 100k min raise 25k auction ends 24hr after first bid
  4. start 200k min raise 25k auction ends 24hr aftr first bid
  5. Pm forum or discord for price and picture or post here
  6. Start both
  7. Start 50k auction ends 24h after first bid min raise 25k
  8. @Innerfocus Hi,whats going on here?
  9. @InnerfocusCan you remove money from his account and transfer that acc to silver and then force trade?
  10. Start 250k Min.raise 25k Insta 1.2m Auction ends 24hr after first bid
  11. I noticed that 3 days ago
  12. Incandescent Sassy slowpoke needs trade.Player who won dont respond on messages.
  13. up
  14. Start 200k Min raise 25k Auction ends 24 hr after first bid
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