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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. Finally i did it! And by myself because the enemies moved differently. But i managed to keep my timid and jolly carbink alive to sweep
  2. I did it 3 times now and I always lose My timid carbink always dies after two/three turns
  3. The real problem of this game are the spawns. High tier pokemons are too rare. It's not acceptable that in two nights in a row on Love Island i got ZERO Dratini. And Before i got 3 with 2 sync fail (and wrong nature) and one with right nature and h.a. but with trash IV (1 atk lel). And i'm not even looking for an epic one, just a decent cute Dratini. And i won't even talk about how many DAYS (yes days, not hours) i spent looking for a Magmar back in the day. Maximum level of trolling. And i could go on and on. The answer is usually "gRiNdInG iS pArT oF a MmO", but grinding and tryharding like a virgin are two different things.
  4. I noticed too the extra rarity of Houndour. It feels like a tier 10
  5. Thank you both!
  6. It's been a while since I played the game and I noticed some alolan pokemon here and there. Where can I catch them?
  7. Panpour, Pansear and Pansage can be found only in Safari in Johto?
  8. No, I evolved only before the elite 4 Your friend can give it a try
  9. Yes, you can win with a team of your choosing. I won easily without Gengar and Gyarados (I think I had Espeon, Magnezone, Golduck, Honchkrow, Clefable and Ninetales...all with wrong natures and IV and not EV trained :D )
  10. Same I merged and logged in and all my pokemon are gone... I still got all my badges, coins, mounts and the pokedex data, but all I have is a squirtle, a nidoran and a doduo
  11. is Heatran quest completed confirmed for Saphirr?
  12. Please, make it happen
  13. Snivy is in Ghoul Swamp. I'd like to know which pokemons spawn in Sweetsland
  14. Which exactly? Probably you're refering the the whole quest I assume xD Yup :D
  15. That makes no sense
  16. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Terminator and Maribela (Sinnoh) ADDED! <t>If another boss rewards me again with focus sashes, i'm gonna kill myself</t>
  17. Re: Sinnoh Spawn Guide <r><QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE> This is wrong, there is no Larvitar here.<br/> <br/> There's another Pokemon, but I don't know which one :D <br/> anyone could tell me please?<br/> <br/> EDIT: It's a BURMY</r>
  18. Whaaat??
  19. In my opinion every pokemon should be catchable without ms. Make them super rare if you want, but give everyone the chance to catch them. Sandile for example. (and i asked in trade chat multiple times and no one replied, but anyway i prefer to hunt pokemon myself...)
  20. Why Eevee now is ms only in Flake Wood?? I got one like an hour ago and now...surprise! Not cool
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